Circular Economy film for the Danish Government

The Danish government is boosting the circular economy in Denmark and has appointed an Advisory Board comprised of 12 business executives with Flemming Besenbacher from Carlsberg as chairman. The appointed business leaders have a broad knowledge and experience of the barriers and opportunities, which businesses will be met by in the transition to a circular economy. Besenbacher looks forward to gathering these experiences and advising the government on the circular economy thereby increasing enterprises’ earning opportunities, promoting a more efficient utilization of resources and minimizing the environmental impact.

Ace & Ace has produced 3 new films about Circular Economy for the Danish Ministry of Environment and the Danish Ministry of Industry, Business & Financial Affairs.

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Esben Hardt

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Moderator of this blog, director of photography, film editor. Esben Hardt originally started producing sports photography and extreme-sports films in the Alps, before moving on to creating his own media bureau and traveling the whole wide world with camera in hand.

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