Branding film for Global Green Growth Forum

Ace & Ace has produced a branding film for the Global Green Growth Forum (3GF), under the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The film is co-produced with Copenhagen IRIS.

The 3GF2014 summit brings together more than 300 global green-growth leaders from governments, business, finance, civil society and international organizations from developing, emerging and developed economies. They increasingly recognize that in order to grow our economy and go green, we have to address the fundamental questions of how we live our lives, where we will live and what we will live from?

Each year the global population increases by about 70 million people. And in the next 15 years the global economy is expected to grow by more than a half. A billion more people will be living in cities. Rapid technological advances will continue to change businesses and lives. The world is witnessing dramatic changes in global consumption and production patterns and we are using resources faster than they can regenerate. The UN has concluded, that if current consumption and production trends continue, by the 2030s we will need the equivalent of two planets to support our demand.

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Esben Hardt

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Moderator of this blog, director of photography, film editor. Esben Hardt originally started producing sports photography and extreme-sports films in the Alps, before moving on to creating his own media bureau and traveling the whole wide world with camera in hand.

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